


• 生命里恋人们来来去去,但朋友永远是朋友。

• 七年的时间太久,你要问我,某些东西某个人某些事具体在哪里,剥了皮,抽了筋,分开血脉,砸开骨头,透骨透心透髓的,它就在那里,某些感情,不仅仅是爱或者喜欢,融入呼吸,溶进血脉,灰飞烟灭了才会放过你。

• You're with a guy who won't stop planning his future with you.,He knows we'll end up together.,If that scares you,tough!,You'll have to deal with that.

• l dont know if anything is going to happen with us ,again ,ever…but i dont want to know that it never could

• That's like saying there's only one flavor of ice cream for you.Let me tell you something, Ross.There's lots of flavors out there.There's rocky road and cookie dough and bing cherry vanilla.You can get them with jimmies or nuts or whipped cream.This is the best thing that ever happened to you.

