


• 虽然星际穿越里提到的每一个物理名词我都还有或多或少的陌生,但是“爱”却很简单。它不是人类创造发明的,可它强大,它永恒。它让我们在完全陌生的星系里跨越三维和五维空间,与我们爱的人交流。即使ta需要一辈子的时间去理解你所制造的超自然,可在你们再次相遇之前,ta也一定会用尽自己的一生去破译你的那串摩尔斯电码--STAY

• 大自然是残忍的,恐怖的,但是你不能说它是邪恶的,就象狮子撕碎一只羚羊,你不能说它是邪恶的。

• The only way humans have ever figured out of getting somewhere…is to leave something behind.

• 当你身为父母后,有一件事就变的非常清楚,就是给你自己孩子安全感!

• Cooper: We used to look up at the sky and wonder at our place in the stars, now we just look down and worry about our place in the dirt.库珀:我们曾经仰望星空,思考我们在宇宙中的位置,而现在我们只会低着头,担心如何在这片土地上活下去。

• 我们曾选择一直做守护者,而现在我要做开拓者。

• Love isn't something that we invented. It's observable, powerful. It has to mean something. Maybe it means something more, something we can't yet understand. Maybe it's some evidence, some artifact of a higher dimension that we can't consciously perceive. Love is the one thing that we're capable of perceiving that transcend

